Here's more stuff.
This is a re-vamped map that I'm working on. The map is, guess what, Aldraa'Norrech. Yup. The maps you have seen me make in the past are once more out-dated, and I bet within another year or two, this map shall be obsolete as well.
It's big.
Here's the re-vamped picture for the Future Storyline. Some of you may remember a picture similar to this from long ago.
It sucked.
This one still looks weird, and the stars in the background are way too close-together and clumped and weird, but it's improved a little. Kinda.
Just so you know, the below is Skul'Kera(if you can't read his name there) in his armor. He is known to some as the Skeleton Rider, and that's mainly when he's off to a battle. He rides a wyvern named Skurmin. This picture was originally drawn as one half of Skul'Kera. After I scanned the picture, I copy-pasted it to another document, flipped it horizontally, and glued it to the original--making a whole image. Armor is precisely symmetrical(in most cases), so I used that method in order to have an accurate outline for what Skul'Kera may actually look like.
Some things in here will be modified, and it's obviously nowhere close to being finished. I just drew this so I could get an idea of his armor. It was never meant to be a "Show-case" drawing.
I'm showing it anyway.
Lol. It spells out my name.
The beast on the right side I've decided to call a "Tigranoth" or "Beast of the Sand." It's a Chorrosian animal that rivals the Dragon. I've decided that Dragons are the supreme of their kind, though there are other, more "Dinosaur"-like, creatures of the same class. Tigranoths are mostly found in the wild, but some have been captured and trained by Chorros hunters. They are trained for war, and Snipers shoot down enemy troops from their posts on top of the Tigranoth's back. This picture doesn't show many snipers, however, and it doesn't show the materials and leather-straps that cover the Tigranoth's back and belly areas.
This was just a concept, anyway.
Oh, and Breart's head is to the left. He looks funny, though.
This was meant to look like Awizal, but it never did. I'll just call it one of Hudson's Inquisitors for now.
Lol. This is based off of a funny picture I had in my head one day. I imagined a hatted shadow peeking from the ground.
This is an idea of what Abberoc and Ragnarok look like. This is Ragnarok, though. Abberoc's blade is gold and its pommel-gem is a sapphire. Also, Abberoc's "pointy-blade-" parts are pointed in the opposite direction, if that makes any sense at all.
This is Skurmin. This pic is really big, though, so it's hard to see it in detail. Later I may shrink it down and re-post it.
Who's that?
Oh, it's me.
Why do I have a telescope?
Fallax Balcroft.
Hehe. Turnip.
Just so you have an idea of what Hudson and I mean when we say we've been "storylining and rping over Facebook."
This is the world that comes AFTER Aldraa'Norrech is destroyed.
Wait, did I just say destroyed?
Too much information.
Black and white pic of a spur-of-the-moment drawing I did in Biology. No, we weren't disecting that day. The heart is purely human.
Sean Fearon, only in color--and better than any other attempt than I have ever made to color him.
The sword below is Dameus' sword, Iggnamod(The Primeval Saber). It can be used to weave yourself through time.
A re-color of the previously mentioned pic I drew in Biology class.
Crimson Knight, you look much better this way.